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A tribute to the firefighters of New York

17 février 2011


17 février 2011

I respect you guys !

Everything Began on the September,11 of 2001 on New York, Attacks took place on the south of Manhattan Island in the World Trade Center. Actually terrorists called Al Quaïda crashed two boeing on the Twins Towers. 13000 fire-fighters put their live at risk for saves victims. They put their lives at risk because into the tower they were rubble and smoke so they couldn’t see anything and they couldn’t re breathed cause of smoke. Among 13000 fire-fighters mobilised 343 died on the attacks. At the begins no body though there were attacks but when they saw the video they were terrified. Finally I think we forgot them to quickly and I ‘ve got a mind to their family.

Thank you guys.

A tribute to the firefighters of New York